With striking new artwork to celebrate the Roald Dahl 100 celebrations and a keepsake slipcase featuring Quentin Blake's iconic illustrations, this...
50 books to guide your child through the first stages of reading: The first 22 books are taken from Usborne Very First Reading. With these, your c...
PRIMARY SCHOOL BATTLE OF THE BOOKS 2024-2025 An enchanting graphic novel about a feud, a friendship, and two girls forever changed. Based on the be...
The fifth book in a thrilling, magical, and action-packed new fantasy series, illustrated throughout and perfect for 7-9 year olds!In the land of D...
牛津英語故事系列 Oxford Story Tree Value Pack 1 (Levels 1-3) 共有 52 冊,適合2-6歲幼兒閱讀。此系列自推出以來,深受家長和孩子歡迎。故事書按年齡和能力編排,孩子享受閱讀樂趣外,能循序漸進提升英語能力。Value Pack 1備有點讀版,孩子可利...
More books related to: Chinese Culture A celebration and introduction to the rich cultural history and charming stories behind Hong Kong's nostalgi...
牛津英語故事系列 Oxford Story Tree Value Pack 2 (Levels 4-7) 共有 52 冊,適合本地 6-12 歲兒童閱讀,包含 Kipper 一家一籮籮輕鬆幽默的生活趣事和歷奇故事,孩子可因應年齡及能力,按閱讀級別選書和升級。Value Pack 2 (Leve...
Priddy Learning: My First Let's Spell is a new learning format from Priddy Books including an alphabet flip-chart and a lift-the-flap board book. I...
Vera and Beaker explore the ocean, in this series perfect for beginning readers!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's earl...
Dive under the sea with Mermaid Days, a series perfect for beginning readers!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early r...
Little racers will love this fascinating flap book, where they can find out how cars work, see them being made, and watch them roar around racetrac...
See behind the scenes at a bustling airport, as planes speed along the runway and soar into the sky in this fascinating book with over 50 flaps to ...
Tempted by the promise of fame and fortune, the Singing Mermaid joins a circus. The crowds love her, but the poor mermaid is kept in a tank by the ...
More books related to: Chinese Culture China has a history dating back more than 5,000 years—an ancient culture with many fascinating aspects for u...
Fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and David Walliams will love Andy Griffiths’ The 13-Storey Treehouse. Now presented in a cool slipcase, these engaging...
Being kind is super important, but it isn't always easy. Using a goodhearted, enthusiastic little boy's perspective, a lot of sensitivity and a lit...
More books related to: Positive Thinking Help your children to understand how their actions can affect other people, and encourage them to develop ...
More books related to: Positive Thinking An interactive resource, designed to encourage the development of key life values. Familiar scenarios will...
Twelve princesses long to leave the palace and go dancing. When their shoes are worn out night after night, the king is determined to solve the mys...
Andersen's story of the Ugly Duckling, rejected and bullied, lonely and miserable until he realises his magnificent true nature, has become one of ...
牛津英語故事系列 Oxford Little Readers 共有 24 冊。此系列專為本地2-6歲非以母語為英語的幼兒編寫,故事書按閱讀能力分成三級,孩子透過閱讀有趣兼生活化的英語故事,能輕易學習及掌握常用英語字詞及句式,循序漸進提升英語能力。 為配合家用學習,每冊故事書備有以下豐富內容:...
牛津點讀筆 Oxford Reading Pen 能點讀多套牛津大學出版社出版的故事系列,備有朗讀內文、說故事、唱兒歌、互動遊戲及錄音等功能。 讓孩子重拾學習主導權,決定自己的學習方式和進程,增強觀察、探索和解難等能力,長養樂於學習及閱讀的熱情。 配合牛津點讀筆使用之系列: Oxford S...
發掘數學好好用的神奇功能,從小提昇思考力與理解力! 多多在與壞人決鬥時搞錯了變身法則, 竟然產生了一模一樣的分身! 而且多多不小心掉進了黑洞, 來到了另外一個楓葉村。 多多遇見了全新的阿嚕嚕, 兩人再度結為好朋友, 沒想到阿嚕嚕的真實身分, 是頭腦超聰明、但只想偷寶物的盜賊...
亞馬遜5星推薦!《這是蘋果嗎》吉竹伸介新作! 創下日本20萬冊銷售佳績,一路躍升入總榜第一名的奇蹟童書! 鼓勵每個孩子:別放棄,再試一下! 2016年最療癒......不!是最暢快人心,讓大小朋友都快樂的繪本終於要跟大家見面了! 挾帶著MOE雜誌繪本大賞年年獲獎的超高人氣,日本繪...
本書包含兩個短篇故事: 〈桑樹之心〉 阿爾戈號是著名的海上鏢局,專門應顧客要求押運物品。瞭望員蘇菲與海盜激戰時意外拾到一個玻璃瓶,並發現瓶中有封信和一顆桑果。寫信者要求把信和桑果帶回給他的摯愛寧芙。可是,當蘇菲等人去到寧芙的村莊時,卻遇到美若天仙的精靈…… 〈獻給這漫天星光〉 在十幾隻海豚帶領...
夕星愛麗絲是個反應遲鈍卻思考縝密的女孩。她寄住在「企鵝偵探社」,並擔任私家偵探P.P. Junior的助手,而P.P. Junior竟然是一隻真正的企鵝!更神奇的是,企鵝偵探給她一枚魔法戒指,令她可以進入不可思議的鏡子國,變身成少女神探愛麗絲.里德爾,解決各種稀奇古怪案件!
《生命樹全語文故事屋》是經過精心編排的粵、普雙語故事繪本閱讀階梯,幫助幼兒有系統地學習字詞和句式,循序漸進地發展聽、說、讀、寫的語文能力,並逐步建立自主閱讀的習慣,為升讀小學作好準備。 《生命樹全語文故事屋》有多個貼心設計,全面提升幼兒的語文能力和品德情意: 字詞和句式編排均以銜接小...
更多相關書籍:香港主題 已經在維多利亞港遊走百多年的渡輪小星,因為城市不斷的填海,把他與曾經的同伴都分開了……現在,只剩小星一個獨自在海上沒有腳、没有車輪的他能否再次與岸上的同伴相見?
Inside Out 2 - 擁抱情緒,接納真正的自己!十三歲的韋莉,外貌和身高都跟兒時有了很大的變化,而她大腦總部的情緒專員——阿樂、阿愁、阿燥、阿驚、阿憎,也即將迎來翻天覆地的巨變……韋莉與好友娜絲和貝兒都熱愛打冰球,可是她們被分派到不同的高中,不能一起加入「火鷹隊」打球了。因此,韋莉特別...
啊!是流星! 冒險童話X 親情友誼 X 同理心 ☆☆☆最閃亮的小學生閱讀橋梁書☆☆☆ 實踐願望專賣鋪正式開張囉! 這間好像什麼都有,也什麼都沒有, 一天只限額三名顧客的店鋪, 會遇到什麼客人上門呢? 三顆流星和顧客在實踐願望的過程中, 竟發現還有比願望更重要的…… 三顆陰錯陽差掉落...
啊!是流星! 冒險童話X 親情友誼 X 同理心 ☆☆☆最閃亮的小學生閱讀橋梁書☆☆☆ 實踐願望專賣鋪正式開張囉! 這間好像什麼都有,也什麼都沒有, 一天只限額三名顧客的店鋪, 會遇到什麼客人上門呢? 三顆流星和顧客在實踐願望的過程中, 竟發現還有比願望更重要的…… 三顆陰錯陽差掉...
啊!是流星! 冒險童話 X 親情友誼 X 同理心 ☆☆☆最閃亮的小學生閱讀橋梁書☆☆☆ 一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星。 三顆流星在執行任務時意外摔落凡間, 眼見能量即將耗盡,正擔心回不到天上時, 遇到了每天都在等待流星好許願的黑貓柔柔, 他們將展開一段什麼樣的奇異旅程呢…… 三顆...