Nate the Great and the Big Sniff
Age 6 to 3Reading ages
These chapter books introduce beginning readers to the detective mystery genre. Perfect for the Common Core, kids can problem-solve with Nate, using logical thinking to solve mysteries!
Nate, the great detective, depends on his dog, Sludge, to help him solve all of his cases. But Sludge can’t help him this time — Sludge is lost! Lost inside a big department store on a rainy day. Nate frantically searches for his best friend and trusted helper. Salespeople have spotted a wet, slippery, sloppy dog running about. Is Sludge hiding from them? Nate looks high and low, and in places he’d rather not look at all. But every clue leads to a dead end . . . until Nate realizes that Sludge can help him with this case!
Author: Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Mitchell Sharmat
Illustrator: Martha Weston
ISBN: 9780440415022
Publisher: Yearling Books
Weight: 125g
Language: English
Dimensions: 133 x 196 x 7 mm
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